Ladies Bible Study

Book: When Christ Was Here: Lessons from the Incarnation by Claudia Barba
Where: Ferne Yost’s House (call the church office for directions)
When: Thursdays at 9:30am (resumes last Thursday in March)

Most of us have a basic knowledge of the term incarnation, but do we really understand what it meant to Christ? To the people He met? How does the incarnation affect your life today?

When Christ Was Here is a Bible study designed to explore the miracle of Christ’s humanity and deity. Each lesson unfolds a new aspect of the incarnation and its practical effect on how Christ cares for us.

Since He was man as well as God, Christ could identify with and comfort those suffering from discouragement, failure, pain, and rejection. Each time Christ met someone in need, His compassion for them overflowed into action. These lessons about His selfless love will help you trust Him more and serve Him better.

You can pick up a copy of the book at our church resource center or online.

To check when we are meeting, please visit our church calendar page!